Sunday, 19 April 2015


We've been back here in Uganda since last Thursday and have been welcomed by our friends at Action For Children.  Jolly is in Northern Uganda and George, her husband, has been a wonderful host.  Beatrice is an awesome cook and there are always other family members or friends around.  It is a vibrant lifestyle.

Geoff and George at their home

Meet Mercy and Angel our new friends

As we have been settling in, it's always interesting to read the Daily Monitor newspaper.  Yesterday's copy had a recipe for banana wine & beer which is something I haven't seen before.  

If you are interested in reading up on Ugandan news go to this link:

I have discovered that Uganda is the world's second leading producer of bananas after India.  And anywhere you look you will see large bunches of Matoke bananas weighing 60 lbs:  in all the roadside markets, on bikes, trucks, bicycles and in every home.  

I was told once that there are 24 kinds of bananas in Uganda but we have only seen and eaten Matoke (staple diet with consistency of potato), small yellow (very sweet) and the large yellow.  Tonto is used to make beer and gin, and we have seen Gonja which is used for roasting and often found at road side stalls.

The banana plant has been used many ways and we've seen them all: fibre for roofing, umbrellas, baskets, mats, bags to carry all kinds of things.  The children make soccer balls from dried leaves and even the rounds are used as wheels on a go-cart.

Matoke Bananas are a Ugandan staple

Monday we will be travelling to Masuliita to the Jolly Children's Education Centre where we'll spend the next 4 days with the sponsored children & their families, and the teachers at the school.  Since there is no electricity in this rural area I won't be blogging until next weekend.

By the's mango season!

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